Student Scholarships
Mary Anne Weidner STC-ACHE Student Scholarship
The South Texas Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives (STC-ACHE) provides an opportunity for student financial assistance. This year, the STC-ACHE will provide up to four $1,000 awards. The awards provide either academic scholarships or professional society sponsorships associated with student academic requirements.
Academic Scholarship: The purpose of this academic scholarship is to recognize an outstanding student and provide him/her with financial assistance that can be used toward tuition, books, and other expenses associated with graduate healthcare administration education.
Professional Society Meeting Sponsorship: The purpose of this professional society meeting sponsorship is to recognize an outstanding student and provide him/her with financial assistance that can be used toward registration, travel, and lodging associated with attending an ACHE educational meeting (e.g., ACHE Congress) to enhance his/her academic student education while in either the didactic studies or residency portion of his/her education.
STCACHE Scholarship Application
Each applicant must submit the packet to the South Texas Chapter at stc@achechapter.org no later than by DECEMBER 01 of the year applying. The goal of the Scholarship Committee is to review all applications and make scholarship selections no later than the holiday semester break in December so that the funds can be distributed in time to help the awardees pay for the 2nd Semester tuition or to support their stated purpose. Each awardee will also be recognized at Healthcare Landscape, the premier South Texas Healthcare conference hosted by the South Texas Chapter ACHE. The conference will be held in January of each year.
Eligibility: The applicant must be a member of the STC-ACHE and ACHE, reside in the STC-ACHE region while in the didactic (courses) phase, and be enrolled in a master’s or a doctoral degree program with a primary focus or a concentration in healthcare administration or leadership (e.g., MHA, MBA, MPH, Ph.D. in healthcare leadership). Student-residents who were members of STC-ACHE and ACHE during the didactic phase of their studies are also eligible, regardless of the location of their residency.
Help us distribute this information to the widest eligible Graduate Student population. We always appreciate the selection of the scholarship winners to be as competitive as possible. This way we can reward the most deserving student.