STC-ACHE Chapter Awards
Each year, we accept nominations for awards in these categories:
+ Healthcare Administration Student Recognition Award
Student that demonstrates the hightest level of ACHE engagement, which will be determined by information provided by the Healthcare Administration programs
+ Young Healthcare Executive Recognition Award
Recognizes those, 40 and under, who aspire to leadership positions. Playing critical roles in the healthcare field to lead teams, optimize efficiency and improve the patient experience and positive social change.
+ Healthcare Administration Researcher Recognition Award
Recognizing outstanding published work from individuals furthering innovation in healthcare financing, delivery and organization or the implementation of healthcare policy.
+ Healthcare Administration Mentor Recognition Award
Recognizing those leaders in the healthcare administration who facilitate learning overall by aiding the process of sharing knowledge, and by providing guidance and increasing the sucess of their mentees in healthcare administration.
+ Healthcare Administration Educator Recognition Award
Recognizes a Health Administration member who has advanced the practice of health administration through outstanding leadership, contributions in a management or educational setting and provided significant service to the Health Administration section.
+ Healthcare Administration Advocacy Recognition Award
Recognizes individuals that have led legislative or regulatory advocacy and public policy efforts to expand access to healthcare services and whose work supported the vision of bringing the patients’ needs to the center of healthcare.
+ Healthcare Administration Leadership Award
Recognizes individuals who have provided exceptional leadership to an individual healthcare organization and to the health and well-being of the community.
+ Healthcare Resident/Fellow Award
Honors a healthcare administration resident who demonstrates outstanding leadership in healthcare administration initiatives, volunteerisn and involvement in health policy or community issues.
+ William D. Rasco, FACHE, Distinguished Healthcare Administration Service Award
+ Board Member of the Year
Recognizes and honors board members who are leaders, give back not only to the chapter but also to the community and routinely go beyond the call of duty. Board members are encouraged to recognize those members who have served with distinction and made significant contributions to the betterment of the chapter.
Nominations should be a one-page write up detailing why the nominee is deserving of this award and should be sent to stc@achechapter.org.
All nominations should be submitted no later than DECEMBER 30.